The Sunday Service with YFRC
The long, easy Sunday run. Perhaps the only weekly session so universally adhered to by runners everywhere.
With that in mind, we wanted to get a little closer to what Sunday looks like for a group who get together week in, week out, so we linked up with East London run crew and community, Your Friendly Runners. We met with a gang of nine; one training for Boston, others just out for a natter. But it's these worlds colliding that the crew stand by, it's their open door policy that makes for such an interesting mix of people. It's all about finding like-minds whatever your level.
We took some kit and a camera and captured their 10-mile loop. Safe to say next time we'll be running alongside them.
After the run, we asked Matt Horrocks, founder of the crew, to share his musings on the easy Sunday run long run, and the special place it occupies.
“Of all the days in the week, most runners will tell you that Sunday is the most customary–especially if you're going long. Maybe it's because the busy schedule finally takes a break and you have a whole morning to kill, or maybe - for the more spiritually inclined - it is like a day of worship, with parallels to 'Sunday Service' too evident to ignore. Either way, whether you're training for an event or not, there's something about putting in the miles where one week ends and another begins"
Even going beyond event prep this is just another ritual which has trickled down, as they so often do, and permeated running culture en masse. It's that time of the week where we meet with friends early in the morning, catch up on the weekend and set off for a nice extended jog.
I can't help but feel like there really is something unique about a Sunday. The noise you come to expect from daily life seems to evaporate. It’s just made for running.”
With thanks to Friendly Runners and the Pavilion Café, Victoria Park.