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Soar Race Team

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    Pedal to Pavement: Freddy Ovett at NYC

    The inspiration for our American Race Vest, SOAR Race Team athlete and pro gravel rider, Freddy Ovett, suited up for the NYC Marathon where he put in an impressive showing, clocking 2:37:18 for a PB. Not bad for a part-time runner.
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    Iten, Home of Champions

    Iten, more famously known as ‘Iten: The Home of Champions’ is a town in Kenya that overlooks the vast Rift Valley. Sitting at an elevation of 2400m (7900 ft) training up there is not for the faint hearted, literally. SOAR Race Team athlete, Matt Bergin on training, physio and the lessons learnt on a recent trip to Kenya.

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    The Way Back

    Runner of the first ever sub-4 mile in SOAR kit, SOAR Race Team member Ian Crowe-Wright endured a difficult 2021 season, suffering from Plantar fasciitis. He spoke to us about his journey back to fitness and offers a wider insight into how to deal with injuries.